Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Project 4

First thing I did was roughly sketch out my idea. I know it looks like scribbles but trust me, its a sketch. Anyway, I added the other details such as the males's thoughts manifested, yelling or feeding into his insecurities, etc. I did erase one though, because it didnt seem to fit with the drawing so I erase it, duh. Afterwards, I added a new layer and lowered the opacity of the first layer and basically redrew/ did the lineart for the drawing and wanted to give the outline of the hair, a lighter color so it looked more pretty but it didnt so I added the black outline again. after adding all the color and attempting the shiny hair effect, I added a layer and lowered the opacity to 20 so when I colored everything with a dark purple, it would make it seem more dark, so it would fit in with the background. and thats basically it. I might've had a brain fart so, sorry if it doesn't really make sense but I'm very tired and I suck at explaining things as it is, so when I'm tired, I can't explain anything at all. well not that well anyway.

                                 What exactly is mental health? WELL, according to , mental health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. I chose this topic and the thinking skill Analyzing Perspectives, because you never really know what someone might be feeling about themselves or what their going through, which is why I mainly focused on depression, which is usually characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing, impairment in daily life.  I actually think though, that my project piece could also be on schizophrenia since it shows the main person trying to block out the voices, if you see it as schizophrenia, or the main person trying to block out all the negative thoughts that could be able him, what he has done in the past, what he should have done, etc. I also added a dark background to try to emphasize that he's in a really negative state and obviously he doesn't want to be in such an awful state, but he can't help but feel that way. You might be wondering why I decided to make my project focus on this topic and my answer is to hopefully help others reach out to those who are or might be depressed. and not just depression, it can be for anything really. Everyone needs to know that they're cared about and that they're loved. Its not good to bottle everything up, so talking to someone is a very good idea. 

I know some of my friends have depression and I let them know all the time that if they need someone to talk to, ill be there for them. Its really nice to know someones there for you. Also try to be patient with them, its hard to talk about things for some people.

Anyway, I think an artist I look up to and influences me or whatnot would be Rebecca Sugar, theres something about her art style and the thing she does with her drawings that I find so amazing.  


  I think its pretty obvious that I watch and love Steven Universe......

Now that you've seen everything and read my reasoning for choosing the topic and thinking skill ,which is basically why I chose the topic, do you think it fits the Analyzing Perspectives thinking skill?

Thanks for reading!


  1. I love how you connected an important issue to your piece. You art piece perfectly represents mental health. I love the purple tone you added. This piece is probably one of my favorite I've seen.

  2. Your animations look really similar to Rebecca sugar's. I love the meaning behind your work also. Great job!


Project 6

The thinking skill for project 6 is Evaluating and the topic I chose was the butterfly effect. What it is exactly is;   The   butterfly eff...