Monday, February 12, 2018

Animal Abuse project

                                         Animal Abuse

The topic for my project is animal abuse. My reasoning for choosing a really important topic was because I love animals and think they're so amazing and deserve to be treated with love and respect and should be protected from any harm or ill intent. It might sound cheesy but its true. 

I decided to paint a golden retriever named Chance who, on November 14, 2016, was shot in the left rear leg and his front left leg was caught in a trap. sadly the leg that was shot has/had to be amputated and his toe in his front left leg has/had to be amputated as well.  Its really sad to hear and terrible how someone could even do something like this but even Chance went through something as terrible as that, he's been nothing but friendly and sweet to those in Lorain County Animal Emergency Center. 


I sketched the picture out first then began adding paint and made the frontal side area dark for shading reasons and painted the blanket with the colors I've seen but it didn't seem right so in the end I attempted to get a yellowish green so it would look like the picture. I also made a shading effect on the disc to make it actually seem like its curled.

in the picture above I added the cage background and finished painting the rest of the disc around Chance and the blanket covering the yellowish green mattress.

This is the finished project! 

Research: Its been found that cruelty to animals is strongly correlated with other crimes which could be harm against other people. The animals whose abuse is often reported are dogs, cats, horses, livestock. Based on the 1,423 U.S cruelty cases on’s 2011 victimized species, 70.1% involved dogs, 20.9% involved cats, and 24.1% involved other animals.

I strongly advise you learn more at
Please help in any way you can and stop any harm befall any animal. Thank you.

While I do have areas I can improve upon, I really like how it turned out and I hope this inspires you to stop any animal abuse you may know of or see.  Thank you for reading this far!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Topic and Thinking Skill

The Topic I'm choosing is Animal Abuse and I chose this topic because I think its really important and its really sad how many animals go live in very poor living conditions and are mistreated.  I think the Cause and Effect thinking skill would fit this topic since an abuser could have been neglected or abused when they were younger. or maybe its still happening to them? there could be reason but it obviously doesn't make it ok.

So I decided to draw/paint our dog, Mocha! Mostly because we love her so much and
She's super adorable! but I also wanted to draw her because she loves when we take pictures of her.

we'd never do that. but instead I have recently decided to paint a picture based on a dog named chance who recently has been abused. more will be told on my work progress.

Project 6

The thinking skill for project 6 is Evaluating and the topic I chose was the butterfly effect. What it is exactly is;   The   butterfly eff...